Updates to camkes-arm-vm from camkes-3.7.x to camkes-3.8.0

  • VM: Load kernel and dtb images using FileServer. This now uses the same mechanism as the x86 Init VM component.
  • VM: Add basic module abstraction. This allows compilation units to declare modules that the vmm will initialise without having to directly call the init function. This should reduce the amount of #ifdefs throughout the code.
  • VM: Create map_frame_hack module. This is a hack that was used in the SMACCM demo for giving the VM direct memory access to a crypto component.
  • VM: Create device_fwd module for tk1.
  • VM: Create vchan module. This moves the vchan source into its own module.
  • VM: Move remaining vmlinux.c code to per-platform init modules.
  • Add initial aarch64 support.
  • Add initial TX1 support.
  • Rename tk1_vm to vm_minimal as this app supports more than one platform.
  • vm_minimal: Added Exynos5422 support.
  • VM: Perform map_unity_ram on Exynos5422. This allows for a one-to-one PA<->IPA mapping of the guest RAM device on the exynos5422.
  • Remove duplicate frames from vm_odroid.camkes. The new CapDL allocator will not permit separate objects with the same physical address. This change makes the vm_odroid share its hardware MMIO objects without duplicating them.
  • VM: Install vpci device. Added call to the sel4arm-vmm in order to install the virtual pci device in the guest VM.
  • VM: Added virtio_net module. This introduces the virtio_net module. This initializes and manages the virtio net driver in the guest VM. The module is a basic demonstration that responds to ARP request packets. This is refactored out of the x86 VMM (camkes-vm).
  • VM: Support for loading initrd vm module. Attempts to load an initrd module if provided in the CPIO archive. This is loaded in the kernel lowmem alongside the dtb.
  • vm_minimal: Added rootfs to archive for exynos5422. Updated the vm_minimal CMakeLists.txt to pass the linux-initrd file to the file server. This change pertains to the exynos5422 platform.
  • vm_virtio_net: New virtio_net application. Added vm_viritio_net application. This is currently target to the exynos5422 platform. The application demonstrates the use user level linux overlays, adding an arping test and network interface file to test virtio net functionality in the vm.
  • Add griddle support:
    • Migrate RELEASE and CAMKES_VM_APP to easy-settings.cmake.
    • Give CAMKES_VM_APP a default of vm_minimal.
    • Add PLATFORM to easy-settings.cmake as well; default tx1.
  • VM: Added TX2 Support.
  • VM: Added GlobalAsynch notification to the VM. Added support for a global async notification within the VM component. This supports additional components in the system to send notifications to the VM.
  • VM: Added Virtio Net virtqueue module. Added a new VM module that forwards and recieves packets through virtqueues. This allows packets to be forwarded to another component in the system and in addition for the connected component to send messages to the VM.
  • vm_virtio_net: Added ping echo response client. Added an example camkes application that uses the VM’s virtio net support to recieve and reply to arping and [icmp] ping packets sent by the connect guest VM. This is performed over virtqueues.
  • serial-server-app: added console support libvirtio. Added console support to libvirtio library. This copys the same setup as net where we install a vpci device. Uses linux hvc0 device to communicate with the camkes serial server through the vm.
  • virtio-con: Add module for virtual console.
  • VM: Added CPP Macro configuration helpers. Added a set of CPP macro helpers that can be used to configure a camkes arm vm application. These can be used in substitute of the vm_common.camkes file.
  • VM: Memory and image settings as camkes attributes. Refactored the definitions of the linux guest attributes (e.g. ram base, size, image names) into camkes attributes. This makes the VM component more configurable, removing the need to have to hard code values into the source. Updated the vm apps and component source to reflect these changes.
  • VM: Update common sources for new IRQ server changes in libsel4utils.
  • Remove Configuration library and append #include <<lib_name>/gen_config.h> after each #include <autoconf.h> since autoconf.h is only for the kernel and libsel4 config now.
  • templates: Added new template seL4VMDTBPassthrough. Added a new template/interface that can be used in a camkes arm vm app. seL4VMDTBPassthrough allows users to define a series of dtb nodes that will in turn be converted into a series of untyped memory and irq objects. This can then be used for passing the devices through to the guest vm. This is an alternative interface that can be used as opposed to specifying two independent lists of untypes and irqs.
  • VM: Component support for the seL4VMDTBPassthrough. Added support for the seL4VMDTBPassthrough template in the VM component. This in particular will add the untypes presented by the passthrough template and updating the camkes simple interface to account for the dtb irq caps.
  • vm_minimal, vm_serial, vm_virtio_net, odroid_vm: Updated to use seL4VMDTBPassthrough. Updated the device configurations to the use seL4VMDTBPassthrough. This converts the untyped and irq arrays into a single dtb query array.
  • Update ping_client to use the new virtqueue lib. Introduces the necessary changes for the ping client to use the new libvirtqueue with multi-entry rings and scatter buffer logic.
  • Added support for the QEMU virt platform, starting a linux VM with buildroot.