CapDL initialiser for seL4
This repository contains the capDL initialiser for seL4.
The capDL initialiser is the root task for a seL4 system that takes a description of the state to be initialised using capDL, and starts the system in conformance with the specification.
The code is an implementation of the formal algorithm specified in Isabelle/HOL.
Repository overview
: The implementation of the initialiserinclude/capdl.h
: The data structure for capDL.
The capDL loader uses capDL-tool
to generate a data structure
containing the capDL specification to be initialised.
Related papers
The formal model for the capDL initialiser is documented in a ICFEM ‘13 paper and Andrew Boyton’s PhD thesis.
The files in this repository are release under standard open source licenses.
Please see individual file headers and the LICENSE_BSD2
.txt file for details.
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