CAmkES Version camkes-3.8.0 Release

Announcing the release of camkes-3.8.0 with the following changes:

camkes-3.8.0 2019-11-19 Using seL4 version 11.0.0


  • Support for the new seL4 Endpoint GrantReply access right for CAmkES connector types.
    • This allows multi-sender/single-receiver connectors such as seL4RPCCall that don’t also provide the ability for arbitrary capability transfer from sender to receiver. Previously the seL4RPC connector was used instead of seL4RPCCall to create an Endpoint without a Grant right. This used a combination of seL4_Send and seL4_Wait to communicate without the ability for capability transfer, however this only supports a single sender and single receiver.
  • Better support for configuring components with a provided devicetree.
    • This support includes adding a seL4DTBHardware connector that can be used instead of seL4HardwareMMIO and seL4HardwareInterrupt and can be used to extract IRQs and MMIO register information out of the devicetree node rather than specifying the info directly. This connector can also be used to access a devicetree within a component for querying further device information. There is also a connector seL4VMDTBPassthrough that can be used for specifying devices to pass through to a camkes-arm-vm VM component.
  • CapDL Refinement framework (cdl-refine). These are generated Isabelle proof scripts to prove that the generated capDL respects the isolation properties expected from its CAmkES system specification. Only the AARCH32 platform is supported. The generated capDL is a specification of seL4 objects and capabilities that will implement the CAmkES system specification. This specification is then given to a system initialiser to create the objects and capabilities and load the system.
  • Support for RISC-V systems.
  • Port libsel4camkes environments to the sel4runtime
  • CAmkES can be used on any seL4 platform that uses a camkes supported seL4 architecture (x86, Arm, RISC-V)
  • By default the C preprocessor will be run over CAmkES ADL files
    • The Camkes syntax excludes lines starting with # due to the integration of CPP. This can sometimes cause confusion where #ifdef is used but the CPP isn’t configured to run. Projects are still able to disable the CPP.
  • capDL Static initialisation
    • Using the capDL support for static allocation of objects from an Untyped list, Camkes supports generating specs with all objects preallocated. This can then be loaded by a static loader.
    • This is only supported on Arm by setting CAmkESCapDLStaticAlloc=ON.
  • Use large pages for dataports if able
    • Instead of rounding the dataports to 4K pages all the time, try to use multiples of larger frames to back the dataports if the size of the dataports are a multiple of the larger frames.
  • Fix cache flush for seL4HardwareMMIO connectors
    • This was a feature that was available in 2.x.x but removed in 3.0.0.

Full changelog

Use git log camkes-3.7.0..camkes-3.8.0 in

More details

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