Incorporating into your project

This page describes the CMake-based build system in detail, with sufficient information for integrating it into new projects. There are a few different pieces that can be fit together in different ways depending on your project’s needs and desired customisation. This is reflected in the split of CMake files spread across several repositories.

Basic structure

The build system is in two pieces. One piece is in the seL4 kernel repository, which contains the compiler toolchain and flags settings as well as helpers for generating configurations. The other piece is in seL4_tools/cmake-tool, which contains helpers for combining libraries and binaries into a final system image (along with the kernel).

This structure means that the kernel is completely responsible for building itself, but exports the settings and binaries for use by the rest of the build system.

The cmake-tool directory has the following files of interest:

  • default-CMakeLists.txt: An example CMakeLists.txt file, which could be used as the CMakeLists.txt file in the top-level directory of a project. Simply, this file includes all.cmake, under the assumption of a directory structure where the cmake-tool repository is in a directory named tools. To use this file, project manifests are expected to create a symbolic link to this file, named CMakeLists.txt, at the top-level project directory.
  • all.cmake: A wrapper that includes base.cmake, projects.cmake and configuration.cmake. This file can be used by projects which do not alter these three files.
  • base.cmake: Constructs the basic build targets (kernel, libsel4, and elfloader-tool), in addition to basic compilation flags and helper routines, required to build an seL4 project, and can be used as a base for further targets in a project through the add_subdirectory routine or otherwise.
  • projects.cmake: Adds build targets through add_subdirectory assuming a default project layout. Essentially it adds any CMakeLists.txt files it finds in any subdirectories of the projects directory.
  • configuration.cmake: Provides a target for a library called Configuration that emulates the legacy autoconf.h header. Since the autoconf.h header contained configuration variables for the entire project this rule needs to come after all other targets and scripts which add to the configuration space.
  • common.cmake: File included by base.cmake with some generic helper routines.
  • flags.cmake: File included by base.cmake which sets up build flags and linker invocations.
  • A shell script which performs the initial configuration and generation for a new CMake build directory.
  • helpers/*: Helper functions that are commonly imported by common.cmake

Kernel directory

The file base.cmake assumes that the seL4 kernel is in a specific location. Consider the following example:

├── kernel/
│   └── CMakeLists.txt
├── projects/
│   ├── awesome_system/
│   │   └── CMakeLists.txt
│   └── seL4_libs/
│       └── CMakeLists.txt
├── tools/
│   └── cmake-tool/
│       ├── base.cmake
│       ├── all.cmake
│       └── default-CMakeLists.txt
├── .repo/
└── CMakeLists.txt -> tools/cmake-tool/default-CMakeLists.txt

When awesome_system/ is used as the root source directory to initialise a CMake build directory and tools/cmake-tool/all.cmake is used, base.cmake expects the kernel to be at awesome_system/kernel.

The kernel can be placed in a different location, as described below.

├── seL4/
│   └── CMakeLists.txt
├── projects/
│   ├── awesome_system/
│   │   └── CMakeLists.txt
│   └── seL4_libs/
│       └── CMakeLists.txt
├── tools/
│   └── cmake-tool/
│       ├── base.cmake
│       ├── all.cmake
│       └── default-CMakeLists.txt
├── .repo/
└── CMakeLists.txt -> tools/cmake-tool/default-CMakeLists.txt

For the example above, where the kernel is in a directory called seL4, the default kernel location can be overriden when invoking cmake with -DKERNEL_PATH=seL4.

Advanced structures

Other project layouts can be used. Consider the following example:

├── seL4/
│   └── CMakeLists.txt
├── awesome/
│   └── CMakeLists.txt
├── seL4_libs/
│   └── CMakeLists.txt
├── buildsystem/
│   └── cmake-tool/
│       ├── base.cmake
│       ├── all.cmake
│       └── default-CMakeLists.txt
└── .repo/

The example above departs from the default in the following ways:

  • no CMakeLists.txt file in the root directory,
  • tools directory has been renamed to buildsystem,
  • kernel directory has been renamed to seL4,
  • and the projects directory is omitted.

We now describe how to achieve such a project structure:

To place the CMakeLists.txt in awesome_system/awesome directory then initialise CMake, assuming a build directory that is also in the awesome_system directory, do something like:

sel4@host:~/awesome_directory$ cmake -DCROSS_COMPILER_PREFIX=toolchain-prefix -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../seL4/gcc.cmake -DKERNEL_PATH=../seL4 -G Ninja ../awesome

Importantly, the path for CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE is resolved immediately by CMake, and so is relative to the build directory, whereas the KERNEL_PATH is resolved whilst processing awesome_system/awesome/CMakeLists.txt and is relative to that directory.

The contents of awesome_system/awesome/CMakeLists.txt would be something like:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.7.2)
add_subdirectory(../seL4_libs seL4_libs)

This looks pretty much like all.cmake except that we do not include projects.cmake as we do not have a projects folder. projects.cmake would be redundant to include, as it would not resolve any files. all.cmake cannot be included as we need to include specific subdirectories (in the example seL4_libs) between setting up the base flags and environment and finalising the Configuration library. We needed to give an explicit build directory (the second argument in add_subdirectory) as we are giving a directory that is not a subdirectory of the root source directory.

For simplicity, the kernel path can be encoded directly into the projects top-level CMakeLists.txt. To achieve this the following line:

set(KERNEL_PATH ../seL4)

should be included before


in awesome_system/awesome/CMakeLists.txt, thus removing the need for -DKERNEL_PATH in the cmake invocation.


For compatibility with the legacy build system, various helpers and systems exist in order to achieve the following:

  • Automate configuration variables that appear in the cmake-gui with various kinds of dependencies.
  • Generate C-style configuration headers that declare these variables in format similar to the legacy build system.
  • Generate autoconf.h headers so legacy code using #include <autoconf.h> works.

The following fragment of CMake script demonstrates how these three things fit together:

set(configure_string "")
config_option(EnableAwesome HAVE_AWESOME "Makes library awesome" DEFAULT ON)
add_config_library(MyLibrary "${configure_string}")
generate_autoconf(MyLibraryAutoconf "MyLibrary")
target_link_libraries(MyLibrary PUBLIC MyLibrary_Config)
target_link_libraries(LegacyApplication PRIVATE MyLibrary MyLibraryAutoconf)

In the above example, line by line:

  • set(configure_string ""): Initialise configure_string as blank, as various config_* helpers automatically append to this variable.
  • config_option(EnableAwesome HAVE_AWESOME "Makes library awesome" DEFAULT ON): Declare a configuration variable which appears in CMake scripts and the cmake-gui as EnableAwesome, while appearing in C headers as CONFIG_HAVE_AWESOME.
  • add_config_library(MyLibrary "${configure_string}"): Generate a MyLibrary_Config target, which is an interface library that has a generated C header based on the configuration string. Also add MyLibrary to a global list of configuration libraries, which can be used to generate a library containing contains “all the configurations in the system” (autoconf.h in the legacy build system).
  • generate_autoconf(MyLibraryAutoconf "MyLibrary"): Generates a MyLibraryAutoconf target, which is an interface library that depends upon MyLibrary_Config, and provides an autoconf.h file including the configuration header from MyLibrary_Config.
  • target_link_libraries(MyLibrary PUBLIC MyLibrary_Config): Allows MyLibrary to #include the generated configuration header by doing #include <MyLibrary/gen_config.h>
  • target_link_libraries(LegacyApplication PRIVATE MyLibrary MyLibraryAutoconf) Allows LegacyApplication to #include <autoconf.h> from MyLibraryAutoconf. The autoconf.h in this case will contain #include <MyLibrary/gen_config.h>.

For more details of the different config_* helpers read the comments on the functions in kernel/tools/helpers.cmake.

Helper functions

Several CMake functions exist for reuse in seL4 projects, which we now describe.

Kernel provided helpers

All of the helper functions described in the above section are provided in tools/helpers.cmake in the seL4 repository. Other functions in this file are only useful for the kernel build itself.

cmake-tool provided helpers

These helper functions are provided for user-level projects, in common.cmake and all the files in helpers/. Notable functions are:

  • DeclareRootserver(rootserver_target): Declares a CMake executable, rootserver_target, as the root server for the system. This can only be used once in a project and does the following:
    • changes build flags for the target,
    • creates necessary extra targets for chain loading,
    • creates the rootserver_image target which will create the final binary images in images.
  • MakeCPIO: Declares rules to create a linkable CPIO archive from a list of input files.
  • GenerateSimulateScript: Creates a target called simulate_gen which will generate a ./simulate shell script in the build directory for simulating the project on QEMU if the target platform is supported. An application is responsible for ensuring that the system configuration can be simulated if it uses this function. Other functions are provided such as SetSimulationScriptProperty to allow the application’s CMake scripts to customise the simulation command generated.
  • ApplyCommonSimulationSettings: Attempts to change the kernel system configuration to disable features that are not compatible with simulation.
  • ApplyCommonReleaseVerificationSettings(release, verification): Sets flags for different combinations of ‘release’ (performance optimized builds) and ‘verification’ (verification friendly features) builds. Please see [/Developing/Building/Using#Meta-configuration-options] for more detail on these options.

Other provided helpers

Projects such as Camkes, the Camkes x86 VMM, and Rumprun may provide additional helper functions to allow applications to configure themselves. Generally helper scripts will be called some variant of helpers.cmake, and should be included in any CMake scripts that use them.