

Getting Started

The Hikey board is based around the HiSilicon Kirin 620 eight-core ARM Cortex-A53 64-bit !SoC running at 1.2GHz. Toe start using 32-bit seL4 follow the below instructions. They will walk you step by step beginning from the source files and ultimately running an image.

1. Creating a directory

mkdir hikey-flash
cd hikey-flash

2. Custom toolchains

The cross-toolchains GCC 4.9 for Aarch64 and gnueabihf are required to flash the Hikey. If versions of GCC 5, or higher, are installed the following steps must be taken as GCC5 is not backwards compatible. Otherwise skip to the next Section.

The necessary files are:

  • GCC 4.9 cross-toolchain for Aarch64 (gcc-linaro-4.9-2016.02-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.xz)
  • GCC 4.9 cross-toolchain for gnueabihf (gcc-linaro-4.9-2016.02-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz)

The files are obtainable from the following links:

#Run the following commands to use GCC 4.9 only in this directory mkdir
arm-tc arm64-tc tar --strip-components=1 -C ${PWD}/arm-tc -xf ~/Downloads gcc-linaro-4.9-2016.02-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.xz
tar --strip-components=1 -C ${PWD}/arm64-tc -xf ~/Downloads/gcc-linaro-4.9-2016.02-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz
export PATH="${PWD}/arm-tc/bin:${PWD}/arm64-tc/bin:$PATH"

# To check that GCC 4.9 is used aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc --version
arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc --version

3. Obtaining the source files

git clone -b hikey --depth 1 https://github.com/96boards/edk2.git linaro-edk2
git clone -b hikey --depth 1 https://github.com/96boards-hikey/arm-trusted-firmware.git
git clone -b hikey --depth 1 https://github.com/96boards/LinaroPkg.git
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/96boards/l-loader.git
git clone git://git.linaro.org/uefi/uefi-tools.git

4. Changing console to UART0

gedit LinaroPkg/platforms.config

# Uncomment the following lines

5. Patching the UEFI for the Hikey

Obtain the patch from edk2.patch and follow the below steps.

cd linaro-edk2
patch -p1 < ~/Downloads/edk2.patch
# Then return to the main directory hikey-flash

6.Modifying the firmware

If settings are required to be changed while in EL3 then the file in arm-trusted-firmware/bl1/bl1_main.c can be modified. To disable the prefetcher obtain the patch file from bl1_main.patch and follow the below steps.

cd arm-trusted-firmware/bl1
patch -p5 < ~/Downloads/bl1_main.patch
# Then return to the main directory hikey-flash

7. Modifying the UEFI

If settings are required to be changed while in EL2 then the file in linaro-edk2/MdeModulePkg/Application/noboot/efi-stub.S can be modified. To disable the prefetcher obtain the patch file from efi-stub.patch follow the below steps.

linaro-edk2/MdeModulePkg/Application/noboot patch -p7 <
~/Downloads/efi-stub.patch # Then return to the main directory

8. Building the UEFI for the Hikey

export EDK2_DIR=${PWD}/linaro-edk2
export UEFI_TOOLS_DIR=${PWD}/uefi-tools

cd ${EDK2_DIR}
${UEFI_TOOLS_DIR}/uefi-build.sh -c ../LinaroPkg/platforms.config -b RELEASE -a ../arm-trusted-firmware hikey

cd ../l-loader
ln -s ${EDK2_DIR}/Build/HiKey/RELEASE_GCC49/FV/bl1.bin
ln -s ${EDK2_DIR}/Build/HiKey/RELEASE_GCC49/FV/fip.bin

# If the DEBUG version of the build is require run the below commands instead
cd ${EDK2_DIR}
${UEFI_TOOLS_DIR}/uefi-build.sh -c ../LinaroPkg/platforms.config -b DEBUG -a ../arm-trusted-firmware hikey

cd ../l-loader
ln -s ${EDK2_DIR}/Build/HiKey/DEBUG_GCC49/FV/bl1.bin
ln -s ${EDK2_DIR}/Build/HiKey/DEBUG_GCC49/FV/fip.bin
# End

arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -c -o start.o start.S
arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -c -o debug.o debug.S
arm-linux-gnueabihf-ld -Bstatic -Tl-loader.lds -Ttext 0xf9800800 start.o debug.o -o loader
arm-linux-gnueabihf-objcopy -O binary loader temp
python gen_loader.py -o l-loader.bin --img_loader=temp --img_bl1=bl1.bin
sudo PTABLE=linux-4g bash -x generate_ptable.sh
python gen_loader.py -o ptable-linux.img --img_prm_ptable=prm_ptable.img

9. Boot Image

Obtain the boot image from https://builds.96boards.org/releases/hikey/linaro/debian/latest/boot-fat.uefi.img.gz and follow the below commands.

gunzip *.img.gz

mkdir -p boot-fat
sudo mount -o loop,rw,sync boot-fat.uefi.img boot-fat

sudo rm boot-fat/EFI/BOOT/fastboot.efi
sudo cp ../linaro-edk2/Build/HiKey/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/AndroidFastbootApp.efi boot-fat/EFI/BOOT/fastboot.efi
sudo cp ../linaro-edk2/Build/HiKey/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/noboot.efi boot-fat/EFI/BOOT/

sudo umount boot-fat

10. Minicom

Install and configure minicom. Two terminals are required for the commands. If minicom is already installed and configured skip the next Section.

# In the first terminal
cd /dev/
# Note the ttyUSBX that is observed

# In the second terminal
sudo apt-get install minicom
sudo minicom -s
  1. Use the arrow keys to scroll down to Serial port setup and press enter
  2. Press ‘a’ to start editting the Serial Device
  3. Rename the serial device to /dev/ttyUSBX where X is the observed number
  4. Press ‘esc’ twice and select Save setup as dfl

11. Flash the firmware

  1. Turn off the power to the board if it is on.
  2. Connect UART0 to a USB port if it is not connected already.
  3. Connect the Hikey board with a USB to micro USB cable.
  4. Connect pins 1&2 (AUTO PWR) and 3&4 (BOOT SEL) on the J15 header. The pins are silk screened onto the PCB, otherwise see page 8 of https://www.96boards.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/HiKey_User_Guide_Rev0.2.pdf.
  5. Obtain the Hikey flash recovery tool from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/96boards/burn-boot/master/hisi-idt.py
  6. Turn the power on the to Hikey
  7. Three terminals are then required for the following commands
# In the first terminal
# Note the next ttyUSBY that is observed, in addition to the current ttyUSBX

# In the third terminal
sudo python ~/Downloads/hisi-idt.py --img1=l-loader.bin -d /dev/ttyUSBY
wget https://builds.96boards.org/releases/hikey/linaro/binaries/latest/nvme.img
sudo fastboot flash ptable ptable-linux.img
sudo fastboot flash fastboot fip.bin
sudo fastboot flash nvme nvme.img
sudo fastboot flash boot boot-fat.uefi.img
# The debug prints are displayed in the second terminal

# Then power off the Hikey

12. Build your first seL4 system

Checkout the sel4test project using repo as per seL4Test

repo init -u https://github.com/seL4/sel4test-manifest.git
repo sync
mkdir cbuild
cd cbuild
../init-build.sh -DPLATFORM=hikey -DAARCH64=1
# The default cmake wrapper sets up a default configuration for the target platform.
# To change individual settings, run `ccmake` and change the configuration
# parameters to suit your needs.

Generated binaries can be found in the images/ directory.

The Hikey also supports AArch32 mode. If you choose to build the AArch32 kernel, please be sure to pass -DAARCH32=1 instead of -DAARCH64=1.

13. Booting the Hikey

  1. Remove the connection for pins 3&4 on the J15 header and connect pins 5&6 instead.
  2. Power the Hikey
  3. Run the desired image. The command below is an example.
# In the third terminal
fastboot boot images/sel4test-driver-image-arm-hikey -c mode=32bit

14. Modifications to firmware or UEFI

  • If the firmware is modified the whole process from and including Section 9 onward must be done.
  • If the UEFI loader is modified then only Section 9 and from Section 11 onward need to be completed

Other instructions can be viewed at see this.