Setting up your machine

Google’s Repo tool

The primary way of obtaining and managing seL4 project sources is through the use of Google’s Repo tool.

To install run:

  sudo apt-get update
  sudo apt-get install repo
More on Repo

More details about on installing Repo.

seL4 Repo cheatsheet


To compile and use seL4, it is recommended that you use Docker to isolate the dependencies from your machine.

These instructions assume you are using Debian (or a derivative, such as Ubuntu), and are using Bash for your shell. However, it should be informative enough for users of other distros/shells to adapt.

These instructions are intended for Ubuntu LTS versions 20.04 and 22.04.

To begin, you will need at least these two programs:

  • make (sudo apt install make)
  • docker (See here or here for installation instructions)

For convenience, add your account to the docker group:

sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)
More on Docker

Available images

All the prebuilt docker images are available on DockerHub here

These images are used by the Trustworthy Systems Continuous Integration (CI) software, and so represent a standard software setup we use. The CI software always uses the latest docker image, but images are also tagged with the date they were built.

More information

You can find the dockerfiles and supporting Makefile here

Getting a build environment

To get a running build environment for seL4 and CAmkES, run:

git clone
cd seL4-CAmkES-L4v-dockerfiles
make user

This will give you a terminal inside a container that has all the relevant tools to build, simulate, and test seL4 & Camkes programs.

The first time you run this, docker will fetch the relevant images, which may take a while.

The last line will say something like:

Hello, welcome to the seL4/CAmkES/L4v docker build environment

Mapping a container

To run the container from other directories (e.g. starting a container for the Hello World tutorial, which we’ll do next), you can setup a bash alias such as this:

echo $'alias container=\'make -C /<path>/<to>/seL4-CAmkES-L4v-dockerfiles user HOST_DIR=$(pwd)\'' >> ~/.bashrc
# now open a new terminal, or run `source ~/.bashrc`

Replace /<path>/<to>/ to match where you cloned the git repo of the docker files.

Reminder: Include the absolute path to your seL4-CAmkES-L4v-dockerfiles folder, e.g.

echo $'alias container=\'make -C /~/seL4-CAmkES-L4v-dockerfiles user HOST_DIR=$(pwd)\'' >> ~/.bashrc
# now open a new terminal, or run `source ~/.bashrc`

This then allows you to run container from any directory.

Reminder: start a new terminal for the changes in .bashrc to take effect or run source ~/.bashrc.

An example workflow

A good workflow is to run two terminals:

  • Terminal A is just a normal terminal, and is used for git operations, editing (e.g., vim, emacs, vscode), and other non-build operations.
  • Terminal B is running in a container, and is only used for compilation.

This gives you the flexibility to use all the normal tools you are used to, while having the seL4 dependencies separated from your machine.

Compiling seL4 test

Start two terminals (terminal A and terminal B).

In terminal A, run these commands:

jblogs@host:~$ mkdir ~/seL4test
jblogs@host:~$ cd ~/seL4test
jblogs@host:~/seL4test$ repo init -u
jblogs@host:~/seL4test$ repo sync

In terminal B, run these commands:

jblogs@host:~$ cd ~/seL4test
jblogs@host:~/seL4test$ container  # using the bash alias defined above
jblogs@in-container:/host$ mkdir build-x86
jblogs@in-container:/host$ cd build-x86
jblogs@in-container:/host/build-x86$ ../ -DPLATFORM=x86_64 -DSIMULATION=TRUE
jblogs@in-container:/host/build-x86$ ninja
jblogs@in-container:/host/build-x86$ ./simulate

If you need to make any code modifications or commit things to git, use terminal A. If you need to recompile or simulate an image, use terminal B.

./simulate is run using QEMU, and will take a few minutes to run. If QEMU works, you’ll see something like

Test suite passed. 121 tests passed. 57 tests disabled.
All is well in the universe

Note, if QEMU fails when trying to simulate the image, try configuring your Docker host to give the container more memory using Docker Desktop.

That’s it! seL4 is running.

To quit QEMU: Ctrl+a, x

Next: Getting the tutorials