Python Dependencies
Hint: This step only needs to be done once, i.e. before doing your first tutorial.
The CAmkES python dependencies are required to build the tutorials. To install you can run:
pip3 install --user camkes-deps
Error: Python environment is externally managed
Some Linux distributions have changed how Python is managed. If you get an error saying the Python ‘environment is externally managed’ follow the instructions below. The first two steps are needed only once for setup.
python3 -m venv seL4-venv
./seL4-venv/bin/pip install camkes-deps
The following step is needed every time you start using the build environment in a new shell.
source ./seL4-venv/bin/activate
It is not important where the seL4-venv
directory is located.
Get the code
All code for the tutorials is described in the sel4-tutorials-manifest. Get the code with:
mkdir sel4-tutorials-manifest
cd sel4-tutorials-manifest
repo init -u
repo sync
repo sync
may take a few moments to run
Hint: The Get the code step only needs to be done once, i.e. before doing your first tutorial.
Next: Hello world
Next: Hello world