Hello, World!

In this tutorial you will:

  1. Run Hello, World! to ensure your setup is working correctly
  2. Become familiar with the jargon root task
  3. Build and simulate a seL4 project
  4. Have a basic understanding of the role of the CMakeLists.txt file in applications


  1. Set up your machine

Building your first program

seL4 is a microkernel, not an operating system, and as a result only provides very minimal services.

After the kernel boots, an initial thread called the root task is started, which is then responsible for setting up the user-level system.

When the root task starts there are no available drivers, however a minimal C library is provided.

The tutorial is already set up to print “Hello, world!”, so at this point all you need to do is build and run the tutorial.

Revisiting containers

We will use two terminals, as described in Setting up your machine.

  • Terminal A is just a normal terminal, and is used for git operations, editing (e.g., vim, emacs), and other normal operations.
  • Terminal B is running in a container, and is only used for compilation.

This gives you the flexibility to use all the normal tools you are used to, while having the seL4 dependencies separated from your machine.

Create a container

Open a new terminal, Terminal B, to run a container.

Create a container:



Initialise the tutorial in Terminal B, which is running the container.

# For instructions about obtaining the tutorial sources see https://docs.sel4.systems/Tutorials/get-the-tutorials
# Follow these instructions to initialise the tutorial
# initialising the build directory with a tutorial exercise
./init --tut hello-world
# building the tutorial exercise
cd hello-world_build

This step creates two new directories in sel4-tutorials-manifest, namely hello-world and hello-world_build

Hint: tutorial solutions

All tutorials come with complete solutions. To get solutions run:

# For instructions about obtaining the tutorial sources see https://docs.sel4.systems/Tutorials/get-the-tutorials
# Follow these instructions to initialise the tutorial
# initialising the build directory with a tutorial exercise
./init --solution --tut hello-world
# building the tutorial exercise
cd hello-world_build

This will generate another hello-world directory and hello-world_build directory, with unique names, e.g. hello-world44h1po5q and hello-world44h1po5q_build.

Build the program

cd sel4-tutorials-manifest/hello-world_build

Next, build the program in Terminal B using ninja

# In build directory

If successful, you should see the final ninja rule passing, e.g.:

[150/150] objcopy kernel into bootable elf

Run Hello, World using QEMU

The final image can be run by:


This will run the result on an instance of the QEMU simulator.

If everything has worked, you should see:

Booting all finished, dropped to user space

Hello, World!

After that output, there should be a capability violation and a stack dump, because the program hasn’t properly cleaned up after itself yet. (This will come in later examples)

Ctrl-A, X will terminate QEMU.

Looking at the sources

To look at the sources, open a new terminal, Terminal A:

cd sel4-tutorials-manifest/hello-world

In your tutorial directory, you will find the following files:

  • CMakeLists.txt - the file that incorporates the root task into the wider seL4 build system.
  • src/main.c - the single source file for the initial task.
  • hello-world.md - A generated README for the tutorial.


Every application and library in an seL4 project requires a CMakeLists.txt file in order to be incorporated into the project build system.


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.7.2)
# declare the hello-world CMake project and the languages it is written in (just C)
project(hello-world C ASM)

# In future tutorials, these setup steps will be replaced with
# sel4_tutorials_setup_roottask_tutorial_environment()
find_package(seL4 REQUIRED)
find_package(elfloader-tool REQUIRED)
find_package(musllibc REQUIRED)
find_package(util_libs REQUIRED)
find_package(seL4_libs REQUIRED)


# This sets up environment build flags and imports musllibc and runtime libraries.

# Name the executable and list source files required to build it
add_executable(hello-world src/main.c)

# List of libraries to link with the application.
    sel4runtime sel4
    muslc utils sel4tutorials
    sel4muslcsys sel4platsupport sel4utils sel4debug)

# Tell the build system that this application is the root task. 


The main C is a very typical C file. For a basic root server application, the only requirement is that a main function is provided.

#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    printf("Hello, World!\n");

    return 0;

Making a change

Test making a change to main.c by adding a second printf to output "Second hello\n".

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    printf("Hello, World!\n");

    printf("Second hello\n");
    return 0;

Once you have made your change, use Terminal B to rebuild the project.

Hint: Remember to exit the QEMU simulator before rerunning the project with ctrl-A,x

# In build directory

Then run the simulator again:

# In build directory

On success, you should see the following:

Second hello

Next: Capabilities

Tutorial included from github repo edit