CAmkES Tutorial 1

This tutorial is an introduction to CAmkES: bootstrapping a basic static CAmkES application, describing its components, and linking them together.


  1. Set up your machine.
  2. Camkes hello world


# For instructions about obtaining the tutorial sources see
# Follow these instructions to initialise the tutorial
# initialising the build directory with a tutorial exercise
./init --tut hello-camkes-1
# building the tutorial exercise
cd hello-camkes-1_build


  1. Understand the structure of a CAmkES application, as a described, well-defined, static system.
  2. Understand the file-layout of a CAmkES ADL project.
  3. Become acquainted with the basics of creating a practical CAmkES application.


The fundamentals of CAmkES are the component, the interface and the connection.


Components are logical groupings of code and resources. They communicate with other component instances via well-defined interfaces which must be statically defined, over communication channels. This tutorial will lead you through the construction of a CAmkES application with two components: an Echo server, and its Client that makes calls to it. These components are defined when you initialise your build repository, found in the following camkes file:

  • hello-camkes-1/hello-1.camkes

Find the Component manual section here:


The second fundamental component of CAmkES applications is the Connection: a connection is the representation of a method of communication between two software components in CAmkES. The underlying implementation may be shared memory, synchronous IPC, notifications or some other implementation-provided means. In this particular tutorial, we are using synchronous IPC. In implementation terms, this boils down to the seL4_Call syscall on seL4.

Find the “Connection” keyword manual section here:


All communications over a CAmkES connection must be well defined: static systems’ communications should be able to be reasoned about at build time. All the function calls which will be delivered over a communication channel then, also are well defined, and logically grouped so as to provide clear directional understanding of all transmissions over a connection. Components are connected together in CAmkES, yes – but the interfaces that are exposed over each connection for calling by other components, are also described.

There are different kinds of interfaces: -Dataports, -Procedural interfaces, -and Notifications.

This tutorial will lead you through the construction of a Procedural interface, which is an interface over which function calls are made according to a well-defined pre-determined API. The keyword for this kind of interface in CAmkES is procedure. The definition of this Procedure interface may be found here: hello-camkes-1/interfaces/HelloSimple.idl4

Find the “Procedure” keyword definition here:

Component source

Based on the ADL, CAmkES generates boilerplate which conforms to your system’s architecture, and enables you to fill in the spaces with your program’s logic. The two generated files in this tutorial application are, in accordance with the Components we have defined:

  • hello-camkes-1/components/Echo/src/echo.c
  • hello-camkes-1/components/Client/src/client.c

Now when it comes to invoking the functions that were defined in the Interface specification (hello-camkes-1/interfaces/HelloSimple.idl4), you must prefix the API function name with the name of the Interface instance that you are exposing over the particular connection.

The reason for this is because it is possible for one component to expose an interface multiple times, with each instance of that interface referring to a different function altogether. For example, if a composite device, such as a network card with with a serial interface integrated into it, exposes two instances of a procedural interface that has a particular procedure named send() – how will the caller of send() know whether his send() is the one that is exposed over the NIC connection, or the serial connection?

The same component provides both. Therefore, CAmkES prefixes the instances of functions in an Interface with the Interface-instance’s name. In the dual-function NIC device’s case, it might have a provides <INTERFACE_NAME> serial and a provides <INTERFACE_NAME> nic. When a caller wants to call for the NIC-send, it would call, nic_send(), and when a caller wants to invoke the Serial-send, it would call, “serial_send()”.

So if the Hello interface is provided once by Echo as a, you would call for the a instance of Echo’s Hello by calling for a_hello(). But what if Echo had provided 2 instances of the Hello interface, and the second one was named a2? Then in order to call on that second Hello interface instance on Echo, you would call a2_hello().


Exercise First modify hello-1.camkes. Define instances of Echo and Client in the composition section of the ADL.

assembly {
    composition {
         component EmptyComponent empty;
         // TODO remove the empty component, and define an Echo and a Client component
assembly {
    composition {
         component EmptyComponent empty;
         component Client client;
         component Echo echo;

Exercise Now add a connection from client.hello to echo.hello.

        /* hint 1: use seL4RPCCall as the connector (or you could use seL4RPC if you prefer)
         * hint 2: look at
        connection seL4RPCCall hello_con(from client.hello, to echo.hello);

Exercise Define the interface for hello in interfaces/HelloSimple.idl4.

/* Simple RPC interface */
procedure HelloSimple {
    /* TODO define RPC functions */
    /* hint 1: define at least one function that takes a string as input parameter. call it say_hello. no return value
     * hint 2: look at

Exercise Implement the RPC hello function.

 * CAmkES tutorial part 1: components with RPC. Server part.
#include <stdio.h>

/* generated header for our component */
#include <camkes.h>
/* TASK 5: implement the RPC function. */
/* hint 1: the name of the function to implement is a composition of an interface name and a function name:
 * i.e.: <interface>_<function>
 * hint 2: the interfaces available are defined by the component, e.g. in hello-1.camkes
 * hint 3: the function name is defined by the interface definition, e.g. in interfaces/HelloSimple.idl4
 * hint 4: so the function would be: hello_say_hello()
 * hint 5: the CAmkES 'string' type maps to 'const char *' in C
 * hint 6: make the function print out a mesage using printf
 * hint 7: look at
void hello_say_hello(const char *str) {
    printf("Component %s saying: %s\n", get_instance_name(), str);

Exercise Invoke the RPC function in components/Client/src/client.c.

 * CAmkES tutorial part 1: components with RPC. Client part.

#include <stdio.h>

/* generated header for our component */
#include <camkes.h>

/* run the control thread */
int run(void) {
    printf("Starting the client\n");
    /* TODO: invoke the RPC function */
    /* hint 1: the name of the function to invoke is a composition of an interface name and a function name:
     * i.e.: <interface>_<function>
     * hint 2: the interfaces available are defined by the component, e.g. in hello-1.camkes
     * hint 3: the function name is defined by the interface definition, e.g. in interfaces/HelloSimple.idl4
     * hint 4: so the function would be:  hello_say_hello()
     * hint 5: look at
    char *shello = "hello world";

    printf("After the client\n");
    return 0;


Here you define the callee-side invocation functions for the Hello interface exposed by Echo.


Now build and run the project, if it compiles: Congratulations! Be sure to read up on the keywords and structure of ADL: it’s key to understanding CAmkES. And well done on writing your first CAmkES application.

Getting help

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Tutorial included from github repo edit