CapDL Version 0.1.0 Release

Announcing the release of 0.1.0 with the following changes:

0.1.0 2019-11-19 Using seL4 version 11.0.0


  • Add GrantReply access right for endpoint capabilities.
    • This is a new right available on seL4 Endpoint object capabilities.
    • A capDL spec can now describe an endpoint capability with the ‘P’ GrantReply access right.
    • The capdl-loader-app will create capabilities with these rights based on the translated spec.
    • python-capdl-tool supports creating endpoint caps with GrantReply rights.
  • Add object_sizes target.
    • This target generates a YAML file describing the object size of each seL4 object.
    • It is based on the current build configuration of the kernel.
    • This file can be used as an input to tools performing allocation of seL4 objects from untypeds.
  • Add in cdl_utils.
    • This is only supported on Arm architectures currently.
    • This tool generates a predicted list of untypeds that the kernel will provide to userlevel
    • This list is calculated from an input of memory regions for the platform and sizes of the kernel image and device tree binary.
    • The list is intended to be used as an input for an allocator to perform allocation of initial system resources.
  • capDL untyped allocation
    • Add support for generating a capDL spec that specifies which untyped object each object and capability is allocated from. This is intended to be used when implementing trustworthy system initialisers as it removes online allocation decisions and results in a simpler init program.
    • This is only supported on Arm.
  • Static allocator
    • Updates capdl-loader-app to load static specs with all objects allocated from a predicted list of untypeds.
    • This simpler version of the loader app will act as a reference implementation for a more trustworthy implementation that is in development.
    • This is only supported on Arm.
  • RISC-V support added
    • Support for generating, translating and loading RISC-V applications.
  • seL4runtime updates
    • Port capdl-loader-app to sel4runtime
  • cdl-refine
    • This support is closely tied to CAmkES and L4V.
    • The capDL-tool can translate specs into Isabelle .thy file formats. These are then used to calculate which access rights different parts of the system have to each other.
    • It is used to check that the capDL system spec implements certain access policies as specified by an external source.
    • See cdl-refine in the context of CAmkES for more information.
  • 40-bit PA for aarch64 hyp
    • When seL4 is running in EL2 on aarch64, VSpace objects are an abstraction of stage 2 translations. These translations have different input address restrictions based on the physical address range the CPU supports. 40-bit PA support supports platforms that have 40-bit stage 2 input address ranges when in hyp-mode.
  • Remove –code-max-irqs from capDL tool
    • The capDL-tool that translates capDL formats no longer requires –code-max-irqs as an option for generating C specs. It now infers the total IRQs from the input spec and specifies this value in the generated C spec.
  • Add FrameFill mechanism for files and use this to implement ELF loading
    • The FrameFill mechanism allows Frame objects to be annotated with an attribute describing a way to initialise their contents by a loader.
    • The new file FrameFill mechanism allows frames to be initialised from the contents of a file provided to the loader in a cpio archive.
    • This mechanism is used to remove ELF loader support from the initialiser. Instead a spec describes how frames are initialised via copies from offsets into a provided ELF file.
    • This allows a loader to load program data from different file formats also.

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