Becoming a platform owner

Below are the guidelines defined by the Technical Steering Committee (TSC) to become a platform owner.

This assumes that:

A platform owner:

  • is the maintainer of platform specific kernel and library code for that platform
  • is the “driver” for that platform (setting the direction where things are going for the platform)
  • is usually one of the main code contributors for that platform
  • has the following responsibilities:
    • keep the platform working, make sure sel4test and sel4bench are passing on the master branch for all supported configurations (esp MCS, but also multicore, and IOMMU/VCPU where relevant/appropriate) write and maintain documentation for the platform,
  • help to keep the verification passing for verified configurations (only relevant for a few platforms, but might increase in the future)
  • handle bug reports for that platform on GitHub and devel mailing list
  • handle support requests/questions for that platform (if low-key, ideally publicly on the mailing list, but also paid support etc for bigger things)
  • review and help merge PRs for that platform (relevant PRs should have one approving review from the platform owner if possible)
  • providing binaries for bootloader and load instructions would be desirable
  • if other development on the master branch has platform impact, it should preferably include relevant platform code updates already, but might need consultation with the platform owner to get done, i.e. the basic expectation would be “you break it, you fix it”, but people sometimes might need help.
  • the foundation advertises platform owners on the website, and platform owners would link back to the foundation.